By now we’ve read and heard the word a million times!

Enzymes are defined as biological catalysts that increase the rate of chemical reactions by providing an alternate pathway for the reaction to occur. This alternate pathway has a lower activation energy. In other (simpler) words, enzymes basically make reactions go faster.

Enzymes are needed for all chemical reactions in the body. Digesting food, energy to run and walk, breathe, drink, you name it. Needless to say, they are muy importante.


Random cute baby ^_^

babay (We love babies!! )

Enzymes are known for their:


  • Catalytic Abilities:

They can allow a reaction to occur 103 to 108 times faster than they would normally occur. Could you imagine how long food would take to digest without enzymes in the body?? We would never get the energy we need for bodily functions to happen on time.


  • Specifity 

Simply put this means that a specific enzyme would work with a specific substrate. For example lipase would not break down proteins because it is specific to lipids.


  • Regulation 

This is the control of speed of an enzyme controlled reaction by change in condition or presence of inhibitors or activators. Condition change includes changes such as pH and temperature.



During reading we came across some enzyme disorders. One that stood out was Krabbe’s disease. This disease is a degenerative one that targets the nervous system, and its caused by the lack of an enzyme called galactosylceramidase. This enzyme hydrolyses a special galactose ester bond.

Shortage of this enzyme can cause impairment in development of myelin, a protective covering around most neurons that enables nerve impulses to be transmitted rapidly. Obviously, this would then slow or even stop the transmission of nerve impulses. It usually begins to affect those afflicted with it from age one or earlier, causing stiff posture, irritability and slower mental and physical development.

Till next time….


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